BIA Benedict XVI Institute for Africa
Father Denis
Benedict XVI as I Saw Him: Reflections on the Life of a Baobab of Faith from a Simple African Priest

I woke up on the morning of the 31st of December 2022 in good cheers. After all, it was the last day of the year, and I was excited and […]

January 6, 2024
Fr. Tegha A
“All are welcome”: The tempting heterodoxy of today?

Today, we find ourselves dancing to the drumbeats beckoning us into the infernal circles wherein are normalized, as approved human behavior and dispositions, the ideologies of transgenderism, homosexuality, and the […]

October 15, 2023
Fr. Tegha A
Etsi veluti Deus non daretur (As if God does not exist) …

In the lines that follow, I share with whomever would give it a thought some reflections on the realities facing today’s Christian. This is inspired or framed around the liturgical […]

October 7, 2023
Fr. Tegha A
Hail to the Cross of our Salvation! Hail to the Crucified King! Reflecting on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Most Holy Cross

In the homily which the then Cardinal Ratzinger delivered during the Mass before the Conclave of 2005, during which he was elected as Pope, he begins by noting that the […]

September 14, 2023
Agbaw Ebai
What difference does Jesus Christ make?

It is not uncommon to find persons that have been Christian for much of their life relapse from the practice of the Christian faith. Life can be very challenging, especially […]

March 25, 2023
Father Denis
The Christian God and Culture in Africa – Part 5

Fortunately or unfortunately, most of Africa was evangelized by Latin rite missionaries. Which means that the way we worship God in the celebration of Mass and the sacraments is typically […]

May 29, 2021
Father Denis
The Christian God and Culture in Africa – Part 4

At the crux of this dialogue is a theme which I evoked earlier on, the transcultural nature of Christianity. Pope Benedict XVI in the encyclical Deus Caritas Est captures this […]

April 21, 2021
Father Denis
The Christian God and Culture in Africa – Part 3

Is African culture radically opposed to Christianity? The definitive answer is NO. But are there certain aspects of African culture which are opposed to Christian principles? Definitely yes. But this […]

April 6, 2021