BIA Benedict XVI Institute for Africa
Fr. Tegha A
Meditations on the Paschal Mystery through the Eyes of Mary (PART II: Good Friday)

Topic: Christ himself was wounded for our sins! And a sword pierced your heart too, Mary! Texts for Meditation: Isaiah 52:13–53:12; Hebrews 4:14–16; 5:7–9; and John 18:1–19:42. What really is […]

March 29, 2024
Fr. Tegha A
Hail to the Cross of our Salvation! Hail to the Crucified King! Reflecting on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Most Holy Cross

In the homily which the then Cardinal Ratzinger delivered during the Mass before the Conclave of 2005, during which he was elected as Pope, he begins by noting that the […]

September 14, 2023