BIA Benedict XVI Institute for Africa
Agbaw Ebai
Reflections on Fatherhood

Members of BIA’s Holy Mass Association of Africa share reflections on fatherhood in honor of Fathers Day.

June 20, 2021
Agbaw Ebai
Father Maurice: “I do not feel like praying”

Feelings are an essential part of what it means to be human. As it has been said before, one might not remember the exact details of a given incident, but […]

May 9, 2021
Agbaw Ebai
Father Maurice: A Praying Community

Christian prayer is like oxygen. I find it impossible to live without daily prayer. And prayer is like a school, in which we grow from one class to the next. […]

February 16, 2021
Agbaw Ebai
Why Christians Must Be Strangers

The 2nd century Letter to Diognetus has this beautiful and challenging description of Christians: “The difference between Christians and the rest of men and women is neither in country, not […]

October 5, 2016
Agbaw Ebai
The Goal of  “Ordinary Time”

One of the beauties of Catholicism is the centrality of seasons in the religious and spiritual imagination in the Catholic consciousness. We begin the Liturgical Year with the First Sunday […]

October 5, 2016
Agbaw Ebai
Domine, Non Sum Dignus!

A central leitmotif of the October 2014 Extraordinary Synod on the Family, following the presentation by Cardinal Kasper in the Consistory of February 2014, almost narrowed down to the question […]

October 5, 2016