With the uncertainty and political and cultural volatility of nowadays it can be easy to become overwhelmed. It can easy to lose hope and to give in to despair. Thankfully, […]
September 6, 2021Disappointments are a blessing.
July 10, 2021If only I can touch his garment, I can be made well.
July 5, 2021My Lord and my God.
July 3, 2021Say no to your evil and your pride.
June 22, 2021Do not judge and you will not be judged.
June 21, 2021Today, Jesus teaches us how to pray.
June 17, 2021Anything worth doing is worth doing very well.
June 16, 2021In Christ, I am and will always be a winner, though I appear useless and a loser in the eyes of the world.
June 14, 2021