BIA Benedict XVI Institute for Africa
Agbaw Ebai

Agbaw Ebai Ashley

Joseph Aloysius Ratzinger – Benedict XVI at 95th

On this same Saturday Easter Vigil 95 years ago a young Bavarian was Born. One who will become a Christian, Priest , Bishop , Cardinal and the 265th  Successor of Peter.

Benedict XVI is the oldest Pontiff to have reigned on the Chair of Peter. The oldest before him being Leo XIII (93 years and 140 days). As creation celebrates his birth, his works  for Christ and His Church will be judged from a vantage point beyond today’s horizon . His orthodox insights in several German Universities as Professor of Theology, his more than two decades as Prefect for the Congregation of Doctrine of the Faith, International Theological Commission and Pontifical Biblical Commission and his abundance of writings; sermons, meditations, articles, interviews, letters, books, audiences, speeches, etc. will remain in the annals of Christian and history of religions literature. His mastery of Scriptures, Fathers, human and history of Doctrine and Tradition are an immense exploit.  A veritable churchman. We cant wait to have him declared “Doctor of the Church”. Happy Birthday to the one whose election as Pope was “greeted with grief and horror by heretical theologians and cafeteria Catholics whose heresies and backsliding equivocations had been condemned.”

Ad Multos Annos!

Clauvis kuh Komalo, STL.