BIA Benedict XVI Institute for Africa

Our Goal

The Purpose

To form missionary leaders for the Church in Africa and the global Church in the spiritual and intellectual tradition of Joseph Ratzinger / Pope Benedict XVI


The Vision

To achieve our purpose we envisage to do the following:

  1. Start off by building the communication machinary of BIA, that is, the website and the newsletter, to create awareness of the BIA.
  2. Set up a working physical office in Africa which will coordinate the activities of the BIA for the continent of Africa, in partnership with the US-based office.
  3. Partner with other existing institutions dedicated to fostering and disseminating the theological heritage of Benedict XVI.
  4. Organize theological conferences in the different regions of the continent of Africa around the theme of development of African theology in the light of the theology of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI.
  5. Establish course curricular around the major themes of the theology of Benedict XVI, such as Christology, Trinity, Ecclesiology, Mariology, Eschatology, Culture and Interreligious Dialogue, Biblical Hermeneutics, The Priesthood, African Faculties of Theology, Major Seminaries, and Religious Houses of Formation.
  6. Invest in the academic formation of seminarians, priests, and religious men and women who intend to do undergraduate and graduate work on Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI through annual grants based on merit.
  7. Create an online and print journal, Benedict XVI Journal for Africa.
  8. Establish a permanent site for the Benedict XVI Institution for Africa, which will serve as the headquarters and study center for all pilot programs and courses on the theology of Benedict XVI for the Church of Africa.