BIA Benedict XVI Institute for Africa
Agbaw Ebai
Father Maurice: “I do not feel like praying”

Feelings are an essential part of what it means to be human. As it has been said before, one might not remember the exact details of a given incident, but […]

May 9, 2021
Agbaw Ebai
The Flame of Easter – Lumen Christi, Deo Gratias!

“Brothers and Sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, the gospel that you received and in which you are firmly established; because the gospel […]

April 18, 2021
Agbaw Ebai
Happy Birthday, Pope Benedict XVI!

Prayers and well-wishes for continued good health for our inspirational father, Jospeh Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI, on his 94th birthday!

April 17, 2021
Agbaw Ebai
Father Maurice: A Praying Community, part 2

This Sunday marks the first Sunday of the Holy Season of Lent, a time which our Christian tradition calls our attention to the three pious exercises of Prayer, Fasting and […]

February 21, 2021
Agbaw Ebai
Father Maurice: A Praying Community

Christian prayer is like oxygen. I find it impossible to live without daily prayer. And prayer is like a school, in which we grow from one class to the next. […]

February 16, 2021
Agbaw Ebai
The Perenniality of Christian Martyrdom

Before canonizations became centralized under the papacy, the most common factor that made a canonized saint of a Christian was what Catholic tradition refers to as odium fidei – hatred […]

October 8, 2016
Agbaw Ebai
Catholicism and the Political Order

When Joseph Aloysius Ratzinger was invited to address the Bundestag, the German Parliament, history was in the making. It was the first time in the history of the German nation […]

October 8, 2016
Agbaw Ebai
Catholicism and Irrational Public Power

The Gospel of John opens with the enigmatic faith of the community of the beloved disciple: “In the beginning was the word.” (John 1:1). Catholic exegesis has often interpreted these […]

October 8, 2016
Agbaw Ebai
The Popes and the Jews

The April 27th twin canonizations of John XXIII and John Paul II have stimulated considerable activity in church historians and theologians. What unites these popes? What separates them? The responses […]

October 8, 2016
Agbaw Ebai
Why Christians Must Be Strangers

The 2nd century Letter to Diognetus has this beautiful and challenging description of Christians: “The difference between Christians and the rest of men and women is neither in country, not […]

October 5, 2016